Hairy Issue 1

19,95 Iva incl

HAIRY MAGAZINE  is born from the need of  Torres Ibarzo Estudio  to celebrate the male body in all its forms through photography; but also through stories, interviews, and illustrations. It is a showcase for all who love body hair.

Initially caled “ The POPair’s Fanzine“, it consists of 48 pages featuring exclusive photographs by Torres Ibarzo Estudio, texts by Hidroboy and Raül de Tena and the artistic contribution of Ricardo Fumanal, José Ballerzosa, Stanley Sunday, J.A. Siverio, J.M. Hortelano-Pi and Ciro Marra.

This magazine has a total of 48 pages, including 44 interior pages plus the cover. The cover is printed on 250 g offset paper, while the interior is printed on 100 g offset paper, both chlorine-free.
Size: 20 cm x 25,5 cm.
Interior is printed in 4 colours ink and includes full english translation. The binding is stapled, and the cover has a matte finish on both sides.


Ricardo Fumanal (@rfumanal)
José Ballerzosa (@ballerzosa)
Stanley Sunday (@stanelysunday)
J.A. Siverio (@juanantoniosiverio)
J.M. Hortelano-Pi (@josemanuelhortelano)
Ciro Marra (@marra_art)


Art director and Editor: Alberto torres (@albertoto_official)
Photographs: Torres Ibarzo Estudio (@torresibarzoestudio)
Layout and art: Chacha Studio (@joetxatxa)
Copywriting: Raül De Tena (@rauldetena) & Hidroboy (@hidroboy.83)
Translation: Adam Schoem (@lobeznokiba6)

Hairy Issue 1

19,95 Iva incl

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